Improving New Hire Orientation

We are a small 50 employee organization and our turnover is low (1-2 employees per year). Our CEO has decided that we need to expand the welcome we give to new hires. He would like to see us do a month-long series of events that involve all employees in after-hours social events as well as departmental activities during business hours.
Just wondering if anyone has ideas for such activities? Or possibly comments on his proposal? Thanks!
Just wondering if anyone has ideas for such activities? Or possibly comments on his proposal? Thanks!
I'm curious on a couple of things. First, what industry are you in? That may help give some perspective. Next, do you know what your CEO's motivation is, or what he hopes to accomplish? Did he read an article somewhere and think it sounded neat?
I do think it's wonderful your CEO wants to do things like this. Such low turnover really says something about your organization.
Either that, or you work for the mafia and nobody ever quits. They just quietly disappear.
I didn't answer your request for ideas, but it would help to know what you are already doing to welcome new staff. Is there a formal system already in place?
It wasn't that long ago that we were a bank with 5 employees in one location, when you could involve all employees in every function. I'm wondering if improving the welcome at the department level, such as holding a luncheon or breakfast the first week for the department and possibly senior management, would be better than trying to orchestrate an event for the entire organization, which might be rather overwhelming for the new employee during his or her first week of employment. We could then expand to an event at each of the other branches in the following weeks.
Just talking this through has helped me clarify the issue. Any ideas would be appeciated!
Your CEO is on the right track, but as stated before manditory fun is not fun!!! And after-hour social events may not be the answer. Try activities during work hours. We have done an ice cream social, hot dog roasts, contests and drawings.
Good Luck!
Our people generally go out of their way to help new folks feel at home. It's the number one positive feedback item we receive from new staff. People are so busy these days, that after-hours social events would be hard to do here.
HR Hat