imaging systems & record retention

We would like to scan personnel, etc files into an imaging/scanning system and shred hard copies.
Does anyone know the law on this?
Also, does anyone know the retention length for Personnel files?
Does anyone know the law on this?
Also, does anyone know the retention length for Personnel files?
As for record retention, again, confirm that your state doesn't have something more specific than federal. Aside from that, record retention requirements vary depending on the type of document: payroll records (min 3 years), HR/employee records (3 to 5 after last activity most often but can vary on specific documents in the file), OSHA (5 to 30+ depending on document), etc. There may be a state level office you can turn to for guidelines.
I happen to have an 8-page publication that outlines federal record retention requirements for HR-related records and would be happy to fax if you'll forward a fax #.