401k Fund Transfers

We recently re-evaluated our 401k plan and decided to change fund providers from Oppenheimer to Transamerica. As part of the conversion process we are going to "map" over employees funds from Oppenheimer to the new funds in Transamerica. Basically we said anyone who has money in Oppenheimer Strategic Income Fund will have their funds mapped over to the Transamerica Bond Index Fund and so on for each of the 12 Oppenheimer funds we have. So instead of everything being dumped in a stable value type account they are mapped over to similar funds in the new plan. Does this sound reasonable to you? We are disclosing all this in our initial employee communications and in the blackout letter...also it will be discussed at the employee enrollment meetings that all participants will attend as well.
I've never done this before and wanted to get some other opinions on whether or not this sounded reasonable.
I've never done this before and wanted to get some other opinions on whether or not this sounded reasonable.
Also, Profit Sharing investment had previously been controlled by a company committee. Due to employees never having controll over this investment, we did it all to the money market and then made them aware that they needed to go in and change or at least evaluate.
E Wart