Health Insurance while on Work Comp

We have an EE who signed up for health insurance that was to become effective 9-4-05. However, on 8-4-05 he hurt his back resulting in a W/C claim. He worked light duty for a short time and then the Dr gave him total restriction from work 8-24-05 through his 9-12-05 recheck. Do I have to begin his insurance on 9-4-05? Our policy is that employees must maintain 30 hours per week to be eligible and he is at 0, but since it is w/c can I hold off his enrollment date until he returns to 30 hours per week? Our policy also states that if an employee who alredy has coverage falls below 30 hours they pay a higher rate for the insurance. If I do enroll him can I charge him the higher rate? Thanks for your help.
Unless your policy specifically says one must be an active ee to be enrolled, I would go ahead and enroll. Why not do that?
If someone was in a W/C situation in our company that person would be entitled to enroll their person and family members into our plan. Other factors on being out for "any days" would most likely have disqualified the individual from a working situation with our company, thus the issue of entitlement to company sponsored insurance would not arise.
I hope this helps or maybe I am the one confused.