New IRS rule re: FSA time period

Did anyone else see the latest IRS ruling about FSA's? Essentially, the time period for INCURRING claims can be extended 2.5 months beyond year-end. I'm interested in implementing - anyone else? I do need to learn more about how the two years would coordinate if someone signs up for an FSA each year (e.g. automatically apply claims from first 2.5 months to prior year until max is hit and then apply to current year?)
Here's a link to the ruling:
Here's a link to the ruling:
I would think anyone continuing FSA each year would have their claims automatically applied as you stated IF they had any money remaining from the previous year.
BTW, our TPA will not charge any additional fees for this service.
But without this grace period you still have 90 days after year end to submit receipts for medical expenses AS LONG AS the receipts are prior to the year end. Some of us may have used the allotment just have not submitted the receipts timely.
Does this new grace period continue this?
It may be a negative as far as book closure but I was refering mostly for ees who when they enroll think they will utilize a certain amount then at year end they still have a balance owed to them but no receipts it gives them a chance to make it up and not worry that it is past the year end date. Then if they don't summit the receipts then they are SOL. It's a second chance to use it or lose it.
If you know your deductible is $500.00 and your co-pay is $20.00 and you estimate going to the doctor three times that year, why would anyone elect to contribute $5,000 rather than $560.00?
If an employee over contributes and then complains about losing the money my personal opinion is that person was irresponsible with calculating their contribution amounts.
I'm sure we will implement it though. G*d forbid we don't give them every possible perk in the book.
(Geesh, I'm being awful negative today - I need to go take a happy pill)
A basic nightmare for plan administrators, and, in my opinion, a very superficial "perk" for those who fall into the "lose it" part of use it or lose it because of faulty planning/calculation.
I believe every year after inception you have up to 14 1/2 months to use your allotment. So up to 2 1/2 months of the previous plan year will run at the same time as your current year.