Benefits for employee in Iraq

We have only one employee who has been deployed to Iraq. His name is Shane, he is in hs mid-20's, and has a wife a 2 year old daughter. He is in the National Guard. To show our appreciation and support we are continuing to pay the difference between his salary and his military pay. Out of this he pays his portion of medical insurance for his wife and child, who are on COBRA, so it is not out of pocket. We send him boxes of goodies, and email him regularly. We provide a support system for his wife, who knows she can call upon any number of employees if she needs help. Do any of you have employees in the military for whom you do something special? If so, I'd love to know. Thanks in advance.
EDIT to add: We are also coordinating with the USO for the details on shipping the goods to Iraq.
(edit) I thought the military family coverage was automatic nowadays and was not something he would need to 'check into'. Am I wrong? This is what our returning guardsmen have indicated.
>(edit) I thought the military family coverage
>was automatic nowadays and was not something he
>would need to 'check into'. Am I wrong? This is
>what our returning guardsmen have indicated.
I'm not sure whether it is automatic or needs to be requested but it sure is more cost effective and from what I heard very good coverage.