Social Security Numbers Faxing

We provide Continuing Education testing to individuals in the Insurance field. The Department of Insurance requires that we obtain the student's SS#. We were planning on having the student fax the form to us which will contains the SS#. The students are not employees of our company but we need to know if we are allowed to require students to fax the SS#'s to us verses some other method of transmission.
Basically, is it legal to fax a document containing a SS#?
Basically, is it legal to fax a document containing a SS#?
I would not fax my number to an open fax machine - too much opportunity for abuse.
>The students are not >employees of our company
Given your statement above, my question would be, why would you have their SS# to begin with? We utilize temporary staffing and I refuse to let one of them put their SS# on anything here at our facility.
The only government document I'm aware of that it's against the law to copy and transmit is US Currency.