Canadian Health System?

I was wondering if any forumites have experience with the Canadian health insurance system? I believe they have a government subsidized system?

We hired a Canadian citizen (lived and worked in the U.S. and had a green card) and employment was later termed with an agreement part of which said we would cover her and her spouse until a specific date or she gained coverage elsewhere through a new employer. Well, she went back to Canada to live and work - I'm trying to figure out when her Canadian health coverage would've taken effect? Is that immediate or would she have to wait 90 days? She's been evasive when I ask for a date.


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  • No clue. But I think one of the first places I would start would be with the Canadian consulate or embassy, if there is one in your city. They should be able to at least steer you in the right direction.

    If their system is anything like Britain's, you should also bear in mind that many citizens opt to purchase private insurance, rather than relying on the government model, so I don't know if this would have any impact on your situation or not. Let us know what you find out. Good luck.
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