Sick Leave Policy

Currently, we don't pay for absences due to sickness. We do have an STD benefit that will pay a percentage of the associate's weekly gross, but for an illness it doesn't pay until day 8.
I would like to create a policy that will provide pay for sick days, but would like to keep it simple.
Any suggestions??
I would like to create a policy that will provide pay for sick days, but would like to keep it simple.
Any suggestions??
An employee may use the PTO days for any reason, but if it is used for any reason other than illness,they must obtain prior approval from their supervisor.
If they are absent due to illness for 2 consecutive days we require a doctors note. During the first year of employment the employee may only take one PTO day per quarter.
We do not allow days to carry over into the next year in order to keep the accounting as simple as possible.