HIPPA - Where can I get the basics?

Recently, I had a supervisor challenge me on what he is allowed to keep at his desk relating to medical information for his employees. I have always advised managers to send all doctor's notes, statements, whatever to HR and I would house them in the appropriate place. He was adamant about seeing a physician's note with medical information. Is there a website or would someone like to share your procedure for handling return to work notes, certifications, etc. This has really taxed me.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We do not allow anyone but HR to receive ANY medical information. If an EE submits a DR excuse, a RTW authorization, they present it to HR and then the supervisor/manager is notified that a note has been received. It is absolutely none of the supervisor/manager's business whether the EE had the flu, heart surgery or an ingrown toenail and they could be subject to fines/penalties for asking.

    There have been numerous threads here on the forum concerning HIPAA that you could search through or search on Google and you will find more reading than you can get through.
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