Flu Vaccine

I just heard on the radio, had the Cardinal/Dodger game on, and the news following the game announced that the availability of the flu vaccine for this winter has been cut in half due to a problem with a manufacturer in England. This will not go over well here as we always provide free flu shots for all of our employee each year.
Do all of your employees take the shot? Perhaps you can still give it to those employees in the high risk category. You'll have to come up with some kind of campaigne to explain the cut back where the other employees will 'understand'. We have clinics here that offer the shot for $10. Maybe your firm can subsidize the cost for the other employees to go to the clinic.
Good luck,
This will take some maturing before we get the whole story.
We have provided free flu shots for employees, dependents and retirees for the past several years.
We immediately notified everyone, esp. the retirees.
Hopefully, they will find more vaccine.
What really frosts my shorts is that there seems to be a shortage of flu shots every year. Whatever happened to the law of supply and demand? Someone in the vaccine-making business could ramp up supply and make a profit. If so many people can start up meth labs in their basement, maybe I should start up a flu-vaccine lab at home ... :-?
James Sokolowski
I've never received the flu vaccine and have actually heard that people who get it seem to get sicker, (in some cases). Isn't it fairly new, (like the chicken pox vaccine)? How many of you have had it?