Must I offer childcare stipend if other staff?

I consult for a small 8 employee company. The owner has always paid health insurance (capped at $275) for the employees....that was the only benefit other than personal days off. The daughter of a current employee came to work there and did not need health insurance and her mother talked the owner into giving her daughter a $275 monthly stipend to reimburse for her day care since she has health insurance through her husband. Open enrollment for health insurance is February 1st of each year and the above mentioned daughter started with the company in April. she has received the stipend (3 months after hire) in lieu of the insurance. My question is, should the child care stipend have been offered to everyone else (all except 1 staff have no children & that 1 staff needed the health insurance)or only when I offer the health insurance in February each year?
Thank You!
Thank You!
I would either offer it to all (most companies only give a nominal amount as an "opt-out" payment for those that don't want heath insurance) or just give this employee a bonus every month in whatever amount the owner wants.