What % Inc. in Health Insurance

I'm trying to find out what the estimated price increase for health insurance is this year/next year. If you have already renewed your health insurance could you tell me what percentage increase you had, self or fully insured.
Thank you!
Thank you!
This year, I could not seem to get experience reports from them. I told them I was going to get a broker to do the shopping for me because I didn't believe we should have an increase at all. And, by golly, they gave us a pass to keep a broker out of the loop.
Hourly employees: Single rate increases from $40 to $60, and family rate increases from $308 to $378.
Management employees: Single rate increases from $30 to $60, and family rate increases from $70 to $160.
I am also interested in what other company increases have been recently, and also what monthly rates are charged to the employees.
How many employees do you have in your self-insured plan?
It has been a few years since we looked at a fully-insured rate for our plan. At that time we were still a little better to stay with the self-funding. I don't know how that would look now, but I hear so much talk of increased rates that I doubt it will look much better.
Yes we use a TPA, BMI-Health Plans out of Bartlesville, OK. They have been wonderful to work with. They have stepped up to help us out on more than one occassion.
Funding: We, the employer fund the plan (monthly)as follows: ee only $322.35, family $586.26, spouse $473.03, and child(ren) $435.27. In addition to the company funding the ee's pay for dependent care (per month) as follows: ee only $0.00, family $260.15, spouse $148.57 and child(ren) $111.32. Total monthly funding: ee only $322.35, family $846.41, spouse $621.60 and child(ren)$546.59. This also includes the companies portion of the phramacy cost. Currently the company is paying approximately 60% of the total pharmacy cost and the ee's pay the remaining 40% via their co-pays.
I hope this is helpful to you.
Total no. employees is 217. Total no of participants 174. Employees pay 25% of projected costs which is $21/$46/$54 per week. (single/ee+1/family). This includes medical and dental coverage.
E Wart
How did you do with your Asheville network search. I emailed you my phone number. If you need to talk don't hesitate to call. I can really give you insight to the area.
Plan year runs 10/1/04-9/30/05 and we just locked-in an 8% rate increase. I think we could have done better but for some bad experience this past year.