COBRA QE Notice to Employer

Good Afternoon,
Does anyone have a standard form you use (and would be willing to share), for employee's to notify the employer of a QB,COBRA QE? I have never used a form, but feel it would be beneficial to do so, and would help the employee in notifing me of a QE in a timely manner. If you would like to send me a copy, plz send it to: [email][/email]. Thank You!
Does anyone have a standard form you use (and would be willing to share), for employee's to notify the employer of a QB,COBRA QE? I have never used a form, but feel it would be beneficial to do so, and would help the employee in notifing me of a QE in a timely manner. If you would like to send me a copy, plz send it to: [email][/email]. Thank You!