Prescription Drugs/HIPAA

Safety is #1 at our company. We believe that every accident is preventable. We make sure our employees are aware of hazards and practicing safety while working on or around the equipment.
Question: When an employee is returning to work from disability, are we allowed or do we have the right to request the medication the employee is "taking" not "why they are taking the medication" due to the equipment/machinery they will be working on or around? Often times, medications may state "do not operate machinery". Please advise.
Please advise.
Question: When an employee is returning to work from disability, are we allowed or do we have the right to request the medication the employee is "taking" not "why they are taking the medication" due to the equipment/machinery they will be working on or around? Often times, medications may state "do not operate machinery". Please advise.
Please advise.
Are you requesting a release to work from the medical provider(s)? If so, any work restrictions should be noted in the release. Many policies require the EE to notify the ER if they are taking any medications that would hamper their ability to perform the job.