employer requiring employee to change to spouse's plan

I'm new to the forum. My first time posting.
An employee called the other day stating that he and his wife are enrolled in her employer's company sponsored health plan. The company she works for recently sent out a letter stating that all employees that have spouses that are offered coverage by their employer must join their spouses plan. The company is still going to offer coverage to the employees, but she will be unable to enroll because we offer her husband health insurance.
Is this legal? Is it discrimination? Any suggestions for how he/we should handle the situation?
An employee called the other day stating that he and his wife are enrolled in her employer's company sponsored health plan. The company she works for recently sent out a letter stating that all employees that have spouses that are offered coverage by their employer must join their spouses plan. The company is still going to offer coverage to the employees, but she will be unable to enroll because we offer her husband health insurance.
Is this legal? Is it discrimination? Any suggestions for how he/we should handle the situation?
What about children dependants?
Are they saying the ee cannot sign up on their coverage because the ees spouse has coverage through different er so they are not extended the option?
If so I do not think they can do that it has to be offered to ALL ees not just the single or single income ones.
While I was helping the employee with the form, I kept thinking "Jeez, I hope we never get to this point..." I can understand the need to save insurance premium expenses, but certainly wouldn't look forward to the backlash from the employees. That kind of change confuses the daylights out of them.