Sick Pay & STD / Time Off For Birth
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Do you require your ee's to use all their accumulated sick pay before they are eligible to receive STD?
Also time off for child birth... In the good old days you could pretty much count on a set number of weeks off for natural child birth (6 I think) and c-section (8 or 9). However today, one doc' will say fewer, but most in our area are saying more. We have an opportunity where an ee had natural child birth with no problems and the doc is saying she needs to be off work for 8 weeks. Strange that this is the exact amount of time that the ee had been telling her co-workers prior to delivery that she would be off with the baby. Don't know how far I want to push this as in second opinions etc, just curious if any others were having to deal with this same stuff and if yes what you have done about same.
Also time off for child birth... In the good old days you could pretty much count on a set number of weeks off for natural child birth (6 I think) and c-section (8 or 9). However today, one doc' will say fewer, but most in our area are saying more. We have an opportunity where an ee had natural child birth with no problems and the doc is saying she needs to be off work for 8 weeks. Strange that this is the exact amount of time that the ee had been telling her co-workers prior to delivery that she would be off with the baby. Don't know how far I want to push this as in second opinions etc, just curious if any others were having to deal with this same stuff and if yes what you have done about same.
I have had instances where an employee has gone on FML/STD for childbirth and the employee's doctor certified her STD for 12 weeks for a normal delivery! Of course she told her doctor she would be taking 12 weeks for FML so the disability was certified for 12 weeks. I had a doctor contact the employee's doctor to straighten this out and the disability was miraculously reduced to 6 weeks--hmmmmmmm... We were paying our own disability at that time but now I have a third party doing the claims administration and they intervene when something questionable arises.
I feel your pain.
We leave this completely up to the TPA. We would not get involved in questioning or contacting doctors.