Premium Costs - Self Insured

We have not increased our premiums since 2000. Currently an employee pays $364.00 a year for medical and dental coverage (just covers the employee). We are self-insured. Thus, we have taken a big hit. I have recently taken over the health insurance administration and have been instructed to lessen the gap between pay-ins and pay-outs. Can you tell me what your average premium costs are for EE only, EE + 1, and Family coverage is?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Employee pays:
    $1,248.00 per year for Single Coverage
    $3,354.00 per year for Family Coverage

    We are self-insured with about 125-180 employees.

    We just increased the Employee Portion to the above rates as of October 1, 2003. Our rates before were $25/Single and $82/Family. Needless to say, employees were NOT happy. We also changed our Health Plan so there is a penalty if you use out-of-network providers.
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