Retiree/Dependent Eligiblity

I've got the proposed new notices to use.
An employee will be retiring 2/1/04. Has family coverage for himself and spouse. Spouse has been determined to be totally disabled by SSA and qualified for Medicare January 1, 2004.
Our policy allows retirees and dependents to remain in our group for medical and dental coverages until certain criteria is met, and we contribute to the premiums.
Upon retirement by the employee, does the spouse become a qualified beneficiary eligible for benefits for 29 months? Even though she's eligible for Medicare now?
Retiree says to change family coverage to individual upon retirement.
An employee will be retiring 2/1/04. Has family coverage for himself and spouse. Spouse has been determined to be totally disabled by SSA and qualified for Medicare January 1, 2004.
Our policy allows retirees and dependents to remain in our group for medical and dental coverages until certain criteria is met, and we contribute to the premiums.
Upon retirement by the employee, does the spouse become a qualified beneficiary eligible for benefits for 29 months? Even though she's eligible for Medicare now?
Retiree says to change family coverage to individual upon retirement.
She's eligible for Medicare and can't continue to be a part of the group. Is she eligible for
the 29 months continuation?
My answer assumed that because of the spouse's age or some other eligibility rule in the plan, the spouse would lose her ability to have coverage under the plan as a dependent of the retiring employee. If that is the case then the retirement, which is a termination of employment, would be a loss of coverage due to termination of employment and I believe that loss of coverage would make the spouse a Qualified Beneficiary and thus eligible for COBRA coverage.