Benefits for a "One-day Worker"??

Our company requires a new employee to work for 60 days before becoming eligible for health benefits. We recently had an employee get seriously hurt on his first day at work. He is drawing workers comp while recovering at home. He has a lawyer and is trying to get full disability.
Do we have to offer this individual our health package (medical, dental, vision, and life insurance) 60 days after his hire date?
Do we have to offer this individual our health package (medical, dental, vision, and life insurance) 60 days after his hire date?
If you have placed the EE is on some sort of leave status, you may need to offer these benefits because they are still an employee then, just on some sort of inactive status.
I would ask your insurance carrier and/or your legal for an opinion.
Thanks for two good suggestions! Per Marc's suggestion, I'll run this through our attourney. Per Still's suggestion, I'm looking into your comment that he has to be actively working to start his medical plan. Thanks again.
Rita M