COBRA Help Needed

I only know the basics about COBRA because that's all I needed to know until now.
If a company changes insurance carriers do the COBRA former employees go to the new carrier or stay with the present carrier?
If a company stays with the same carrier but adds to the plan so the premiums increase do the COBRA folks have the option to stay with the less expensive plan?
Is there a time requirement to notify COBRA folks of a plan increase? I know we go with a minimum 30 days, but didn't know if that's law or just public relations. If it is law, what happens to the company if they don't comply?
Any input would be appreciated!
If a company changes insurance carriers do the COBRA former employees go to the new carrier or stay with the present carrier?
If a company stays with the same carrier but adds to the plan so the premiums increase do the COBRA folks have the option to stay with the less expensive plan?
Is there a time requirement to notify COBRA folks of a plan increase? I know we go with a minimum 30 days, but didn't know if that's law or just public relations. If it is law, what happens to the company if they don't comply?
Any input would be appreciated!
If the company stays with the same carrier but adds to the plan and premiums increase, the COBRA people have to have the same plan as similarly situated active employees, unless you keep the less expensive option as well. They can't be on a plan that doesn't exist anymore.
The time requirement for notifying COBRA people is the same as for similarly situated active employees. I'm not sure of any penalties for non-compliance with this, except for the ERISA notice requirements for plan changes, for those subject.
Now this...the "new" plan takes affect 12/01/2003. The COBRA folks have no idea of the rates, whether it's an enhancement of the old plan, or an entirely new plan - meaning new cards, new PPO, new whatever. The woman with the former company is supposed to get back to them but the check needs to be mailed out tomorrow. Do they have any recourse find out what their plan is and the cost? What if something happens on the first and they use the old plan that may no longer exist?
I told the assistant to just send the check in the regular amount and work through any changes later. I'll give them the rest of this info and we'll plow through it as it goes.
You've been a great help - thanks!
COBRA laws state "the employer must do this" and "the employer must do that." Where do you go to report them when they don't?
The penalty for non-compliance with COBRA election notice is $100 per day.