Reconciling Health Benefits

I was wondering if anyone has a sample spreadsheet you use to reconile your annual health benefits. The one I was using has not satified my financial boss and instead of starting from scratch I thought I would check with you to see if someone had a model before I attempted to start my own. What I am looking to do is match monthly deductions to ensure the employee does not owe any money at the end of our health benefit year.

Any suggestions will be helpful.




  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I run a report various times during the year to get the YTD contribution paid by the employee. Download that then divide by per payroll deduction amount. The result should be the number of payrolls YTD. If it is not I look at that specific deduction. In some cases the difference is easily explainable (hired during the calendar year).
  • We do this on a monthly basis, using an excell spread sheet along with a payroll printout of deductions for the month. I wouldn't want to be the one trying to reconcile this at the end of a year. What would you do about terminations who didn't pay, or status changes that didn't get keyed in right. I would also hate to be the employee who is told at the end of the year that they missed a few deductions and now owe the company a large sum of money right after Christmas.
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