Wellness Program

Our company of about 50 employees currently has no Wellness Program. There are about 40 employees in the home office and the other 10 are scattered in 10 other states. As the HR manager, I have been asked to research what other companies of this size are doing and provide some options to management. Is anyone offering cash to employees for meeting wellness criteria or cash for program activites (education workshops, health club dues, exercise equipment or classes)? I need something that would not take a lot of on site management, since I am in one of the other states! Thanks for your help and ideas.
One of the low maintenance suggestions I have seen involves subsidizing gym memberships. Look at your budget and determine how far you want to go. By the way, I think it is a good idea to have the ee pay part of the fare to keep them invested in using the benefit.
Do a search for "wellness program" in the search function to the bottom left of this screen. You'll find links to several previous discussions on this same topic. Hope this helps. tk
Tony Kessler, director of editorial
M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC
(615) 661-0249 ext. 8068