Paying Broker Fees

Would anyone care to share if their company is paying its benefits broker traditionally (i.e., through the insurance companies) or paying the broker directly?
Please also share the reasons behind the decision. Thank you in advance for taking time to help with this question.
Please also share the reasons behind the decision. Thank you in advance for taking time to help with this question.
The thought did strike me, though, that if the broker is paid via some kind of commision structure, and the broker is the person who solicits bids each year for us, what is the broker's incentive for getting the lowest bid possible on the best product? And how would I know the difference anyway, since all I see is the bidded premium structure and plan summary?
I'm learning as I go on benefits, and never thought of this 'til now.
I'm in the same boat, this person has always been the broker and I really don't feel that there is a way out........... We'll have to try and be more creative, Fourumites, any suggestions?
I think other benefit plans are less strict about brokers but was not aware of any choice about commissions being paid direct. It might be like all real estate deals; just a commission away from closing!
I'm still not quite sure what that means, but considering he makes thousands of dollars for the equivalent of less than one month's work, I now use him a lot more. I refer all problems with the insurance companies to him, and let him spend the time sorting out the "wierd stuff" instead of me, like chasing down our account rep when my web enrollment isn't working or chasing down enrollment supplies when my reps claim they've been sent. Might as well get some service for all that dough!
I have similar issues with our umbrella liability broker, who also does our workman's comp. Costs continue to rise with no proactive suggestions from him for ways to mitigate, especially in the WC area. We are thinking of and taking all of the steps on our own. Contacting the underwriter, demanding site inspections, formulating safety manuals, distributing materials on proper lifting techniques (in an office), how to sit properly to mitigate carpal tunnel, etc.
It is so frustrating to pay the commissions without the customer service.
They (broker with insurance approval) quote a lower overall price.