Experience with EAP programs...

We are thinking about including an EAP program to our Benefits portfolio.
I wonder if any of you have had any experiences - good or bad - that you can give me your input on.
The question is: in this economic climate, is there real value in paying out for such a program? Or is the perceived value high, but not the real value?
I would greatly appreciate your input.
Thanks, as usual.
I wonder if any of you have had any experiences - good or bad - that you can give me your input on.
The question is: in this economic climate, is there real value in paying out for such a program? Or is the perceived value high, but not the real value?
I would greatly appreciate your input.
Thanks, as usual.
Thanks for the idea. I am checking into our providers of LTD and Life Insurance to see if they indeed provide such a service, and what its cost might be. It would certainly be great if it were free. CNA is our provider of LTD and Life Insurance - but we are a small company - ony 43 ees.
Thanks again for the suggestion.
After seeing your suggestion, I did check with our medical provider Humana and they do not have such a program.
Thanks again.
Thanks for your input. I too see this as very valuable.
Would you mind sharing the name of your EAP provider?
If their cost is in line with yours (which I doubt as we are such a small group), perhaps they can tailor a program to our needs too.
Thanks again.