Cobra - who can pay for it?

I have an employee in Massachusetts whose FMLA expired; the employee couldn't return to work, and benefits were subsequently terminated. I just received a phone call from the ex-employee's treating physician - who wants to pay the ex-employee's COBRA premiums. No doubt so that this physician can continue to charge in excess of $10K per month against our plan. Not a bad deal for the doctor - since the premiums only run about $300/month. We are self-insured, so everything charged against our plan comes directly out of our pocket. Therefore, I want to know exactly what my options are before responding to this request. I've been dealing with benefits for 5 years now and have NEVER received a request like this. Has anyone out there had a similar experience to share? Or advice?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
You should not be in the position of having to notify the doctor is the payment is late, etc. The doctor is not the legal representative of the employee.
Good Luck!
One day the new CEO decided he had a good idea. We would open the Plan to everyone and would NOT require any proof of health. (As an ERISA plan, this was illegal.) So, an amazing number of indigent people with serious health problems joined. Since we had stupidly advertised in doctor's offices, their doctors helped them complete the forms and paid all the premiums. For the doctors, this was a really wonderful thing! Unfortunately, our CEO's money making idea brought the company close to bankruptcy. We had a problem with ERISA for having people who didn't qualify (non railraod), and since we had made agreements with all these people for coverage, we had a problem with ending our contracts. One by one we were able to kick these people off the plan, after of course we had paid all their health bills.
As I remember, the CEO left shortly after the consequences of his idea became clear to the board.
It doesn't matter where the funds come from, as long as the premium is paid timely the health plan doesn't have a choice.
Good luck!