Pension contributions

Making contributions to a union pension system: If you have only a part of your employees in a union and ALL employees including these, are covered by your existing pension plan, if you (employer) make contributions to the union pension fund, what problems do you run into? Is this contribution taxable income to the employee? (FICA, also?) Can you have problems with discrimination testing? Can the employer be responsible for underfunding amounts in the future? Any other problems I should be aware of? We haven't agreed to it at this point, but the union is pushing hard in negotiations.
No matter how hard the union pushed (and they did because they made lots of money off these plans), we just said no. Usually our labor attorney would pull the highest level union guy aside privately and tell him that we will never agree to this. This kept the union from continually coming back to it because they didn't want to have a public loss in front of the negotiating committee.
Margaret Morford
Also, it may be worth considering spinning off the union employees into a separate employer sponsored plan -- you often can offer the same benefits as the union sponsored plan at less cost. Your actuaries can give you cost estimates. Of course, you will need to consider the implications if your union employees have better benefits than your nonunion employees.