It is growing b/c we now promote it. When the EAP was never promoted, we had about 5 ees a year use it out of 500. Through payroll stuffers, newsletters, emails, posters, etc., we now see about 20 ees per quarter using it. Interest is continuing to grow the more we promote it.
I work for an EAP and the national average of usage is 5% of your employee base; however, our employers groups average utilization is 9.5%. Strong promotion of the program w/ payroll stuffers, tri-folds explaining the program, and, posters in the workplace attribute to the higher utilization with our groups.
From a pure EAP perspective our utilization was about 5% in the last report that we received, however, I would estimate that it is now at least 10%. This does not count the organizational behavior issues that the EAP partners help us with. Upon request, they will get involved in work groups that are not funtioning as well as they should and help diffuse any problems.