Adoption Benefits
Terri B
61 Posts
It is that time of year when we reveiw our Benefits offerings. We are a medical center and always want to consider changes and additions to make our benefits package more attractive and competetive. We are looking into and considering Adoption Benefits. They are not very common in our area. I have heard that some companies offer $3000 to $5000 reimbursement after the adoption is final. I would love to hear what any of you are doing if you have this one. Please include what you require prior to giving the employee the money and any other things you have learned along the way. Thanks!!!!!!!
My current company doesn't offer this but is contemplating it. Do you have a 125 plan in place for things like pretax spending for dependent care and/or medical reimbursements? You can add adoption benefits as another component to a 125 plan. This allows the ee to at least earmark money from their pay check on a pretax basis to save for adoption costs. Good luck.