Unemployment for Military Spouse

Employee of a private business in Georgia resigned due to the out-of-state military transfer of her spouse. Can she collect unemployment benefits? Please direct me to any regulations pertaining to this subject.
Need ASAP....THANKS!!!
Need ASAP....THANKS!!!
When we moved to Kansas in 1986 for a job opportunity for my husband it fell through after 10 days (new manager had a cousin he wanted in that spot). My husband applied for unemployment and he got it...from California.
California is a great state to work in as it is very employee friendly. Check out your own state regs to find your answer. As you can see, it really depends on your own state laws.
Don't know if the rules have changed since then, but from my HR experience, it seems that the employee rules most of the time with UI.
Example - we terminated an employee because, while still employed by us, he was marketing his "new company" (in direct competition with us) to our current clients. He had decided to start his own company and was using his work time to convince our clients to contract with him instead. While we considered this "gross misconduct", Wisconsin UI, in fact, did not. And he was able to drawn unemployment benefits while he continued to "start up" his new business. Went all the way to UI judicial hearing - we even had our clients testify for us - but in the end ee took the day.
I lost a little faith that day - but we do carry on.