Bridging Service Dates?
I am looking for a policy that bridges service dates for employees that are rehired after a reduction in force. Currently, all of our returning employees start their time over at zero, which impacts vacation and service awards, as well as other company benefits. We'd like to change that for those employees who lost their employment involuntarily through no fault of their own.
If it is a RIF and the employee has less than one year of service, his hire date is the new date he returned. If the employee had more than one year of service, his hire date is adjusted. Take his original hire date and deduct the time away from the company and now you have a new hire date.
For example:
DOH 3/31/94
DOT 6/9/99
Rehire 8/11/99
Gone 2 months, 2 days
New Hire Date 6/2/94
We bridge service for things like vacation if ee rejoins us within 2 years. Our insurance benefits are goverened by contracts so we can't bridge for that. Retirement plans are also governed by plan document. You need to be careful here b/c many plans use complicated break in service rules that may allow all your former ees to come back into the plan if they incur less than 5 breaks in service (ie, RTW within 5 years). Plans differ so look at yours carefully whenever you make blanket statements about bridging service for all benefits.