Employee refuses chemotherapy
We have a complex situation for which I'm seeking your wisdom. One of our employees has refused chemotherapy treatment because of possible kidney failure later in life. They have been out on short term and now long term disability since spring. They now have selected a naturopath, who has indicated this employee is unable to work for two more months. We believe this employee was able to work two months ago but has chosen not to. My question is do we have any recourse because they refused treatment and/or because this isn't a standard medical treatment?
If the employee has exhausted leave, the question becomes a bit more complicated udner the ADA. If the employee is disabled, the question will be is 2 more months off a reasonable accomodation? I hate to tell you this, but some court's have held generous leave policies against employers and said, well the employer has covered the job for this many months already, what is two more?
Before taking any adverse action against this employee, I strongly suggest that you meet with employment law counsel who can spend the time carefully going over all of the fact and providing a detailed risk assessment.
Good Luck!