Amt. employees pay for ins.

I've been asked to do a quick survey and create a report giving an idea if employers are going to raise the percentage employees pay for their insurance premiums in the next budget season.
If you are willing to help me with this, I need to know:
-Company size (micro, small, med, large)
-Old & new percentage (e.g. ee/er = employee 20%/employer 80%)
-Effective budget year
The information will be confidential, and I'm happy to share the survey results with participants.
Please respond off-list to: [email][/email].
I need the info as soon as possible, as I've been asked to have the completed report turned in Friday morning.
Oh, the life of HR!
Thank you!
I am 50+ located in Texas.
Employee only 15%/employer pays 85%, dependents 100% employee paid.
President/owner is really generous, employees pay $35/month for medical and dental since 1997. Our medical increased 20% this year, but the company is absorbing the increase.