Charging time of emp who got sick on vacation

We award staff sick, personal and vacation time. An employee put in for 3 days of vacation around her birthday, part of which was going to be spent out of town, and it was approved. She was in a car accident two days before her vacation and suffered aches and pains sufficient for her doctor to instruct her to stay out of work for 7 calendar days. She stayed home the time she had planned to stay home while on vacation and did in fact go away as planned. She now wishes to switch the days she had requested as vacation time off to sick time off. Our policy is that once vacation is requested, regardless of what happens, that is what gets charged, in part to discourage abuse. However I'm persuaded that the doctor''s note is acceptable to reverse vacation time for the days she stayed home, ( and I want to make this policy clarification for future cases) but not for the days she went away on vacation.
Given these circumstances, would you allow her to charge all to sick, part to sick and part to vacation, or all to vacation? I know the way to avoid this in future is to create a bank of paid time off for combined use, but in the meantime I need to know how to address the current problem.
Given these circumstances, would you allow her to charge all to sick, part to sick and part to vacation, or all to vacation? I know the way to avoid this in future is to create a bank of paid time off for combined use, but in the meantime I need to know how to address the current problem.
It's good to know that we aren't being complete hard cases by saying "what you request is what you get". However, what do you think of a policy that says if you have a doctor's note we will switch from vacation to sick? Is that opening up a can of worms, or making the policy ineffective? I imagine doctors' notes can be solicited by in unwarranted cases but I like to think that would be the exception rather than the rule. And it keeps me from having to make decisions about what is or isn't like a car accident in terms of severity. answer your question, in this instance I feel it's appropriate to charge (at least a portion) to sick leave. A car accident/injury would certainly merit sick vs. vacation time. Very few policies are all black and white and this seems to fall into a "grey" area.