Mandatory CPR training

1. If an employee in a healthcare facility is required to be certified in CPR, does the employer HAVE to pay for the test as well as the employee's time?
2. Can an employer make CPR training mandatory even for a non-clinical employee?
3. Would the rule about paying for the mandatory test/training be different for an office worker vs. a clinical one?
4. What about TB testing?
Thanks for your help!
2. Can an employer make CPR training mandatory even for a non-clinical employee?
3. Would the rule about paying for the mandatory test/training be different for an office worker vs. a clinical one?
4. What about TB testing?
Thanks for your help!
All of our mandatory training here at the plant is paid for by the company. If there are qualifications like a CPR training certificate in order to gain employment then that should be spelled out before someone is hired, which puts the onus on the applicant to have that training accomplished before hire. For current employees, it just doesn't seem the right thing to do to make them pay for something that is "mandatory" and enforced by the company. Good luck, hope your new program works well.
Certainly the employer can require all employees to be certified and if it benefits the employer, then the same rules above would apply to the non-clinical employee.
TB testing in my healthcare organization is viewed as hours worked. Not from the "training" standpoint, but from an employee health basis. We require annual TB's or questionnaire's and pay employees to achieve this requirement.
The most cost effective way to do CPR in a health related facility is to get one of your own staff certified as an instructor. We now have several qualified to teach the class and we have much more flexibility in scheduling and getting all staff into a class and don't require the pay-back now.
We also give TB tests to all staff on-site. During certain hours they can go to either nurse's station, get the injection and return to the same location in 3 days to have it read. If it is positive following a negative one, we call a mobile X-ray facility to come right then to do a chest X-ray. They do questionaires in following years. All records are sent to HR, we track due dates and notify supervisors when staff is due for training or TB tests.