salary overtime

Our Company has started a policy allowing salary personnel to get paid straight time for anything over 45 hrs. worked/week. It's our way of showing our appreciation for extra hours worked. Is this o.k to do or are salary employees exempt from overtime?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If you treat them like non-exempt, they are non-exempt. Paying for hours worked is non-exempt and must include overtime. Exempts are paid for the job, no matter how many hours it takes. You would be better off showing your appreciation with a discretionary bonus.

  • The practice that you describe is common in some industries. It recognizes that a lot of overtime for supervisors sometimes results in their receiving less pay than the people who work for them. In deference to the response from bsa, which is valid, it is best to base the overtime on some basis such as a project or a time limitation, rather than a consistent "forever" type of pay plan.
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