Benefits for Out-of -Network Sales Employees

We are a small growing company and we are expanding nationwide with our sales force. Our insurance program is local with out-of-network provisions but the coverage is not as rich for the out-of-network sales people. Does anyone offer any additional benefits to this select group? I am considering some sort of company funded Flexplan to offset some of these employee's additional costs.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We had a similar situation for several years. One thing we did for our out-of-area people is when they first came on, we paid the portion of their COBRA premium that we would normally have paid for their premium if they had enrolled in our plan. This gave them 18 months of better coverage. During that time, we grew enough that we were able to secure coverage with a national carrier. Now we can offer a POS no matter where our employees are - even if there is only one employee in that location.
  • Hi!
    One thing we have doen recently for some of our sales personnel taht do not live in an area that we have our network in is that we negotiated with our health insurance carrier to offer a flat $25 co-pay visit so that they can visit any out of network physician.
  • Thank you for the replies. I have been discussing otpions with my broker and we might use both suggestions to get us moving. We are also looking into a special section 125 account that will be funded by the company.
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