Employee Referrals

Has anyone had experience in using employee referrals to fill vacant positions within their companies? I work for a medical practice and we are thinking about trying out this program to fill vacancies. Do any of you have pros and cons? Also, what types of "recruitment fees" do you offer employees. I want to make this worth the employees while monetarily, but don't want to over-inflate the price either. Also, do you have waiting periods of say three months to six months before you pay out to referring employee? Thanks for your help!
I have a written policy that I would be glad to send you. E-mail me or call me at 615-371-8200.
Margaret Morford
I like Margaret's approach of paying the referral bonus in installments. We did that at my last employer to give the referring employee an incentive to mentor the new hire and see that they made a successful integration to the company. It worked. Our "mentoring" was informal, but you would be surprised how many people would take the time to check up on the people the referred and share pointers with them to make the job go better.
I was impressed with the idea of using PTO days instead of cash. It really has to do with what motivates your particular employee population. I think in my last employer's case the time off reward would have been, too popular, as we also had and attendance problem already.
~Steve in SD~