Does antibiotics qualify for FMLA
We have an employee that has been off from work and getting a doctor's excuse for the time missed. The notices have been given to the supervisor after missing work. The employee has missed another (this) work week and says he will get a doctor's excuse covering his absence when he returns. Again, after the fact. The employee has no vacation or sick leave accrued. So, time off has been without pay.
I have just been made aware of this and asked the employee to complete a FMLA application and have the physician complete a med cert statement. So the process is started. The stated reason on the application is "I'm sick and need time off to get better". The med cert is coming today. Unsolicited, the employee said the med cert will excuse his absence this week because the doctor put him on antibiotics for strep throat. I asked him to not share details with me and that the med cert statements will assist in the FMLA process.
In anticipation of the med cert, I wanted to get thoughts from those with more FMLA experience. Does taking antibiotics qualify for FMLA if it won't affect their ability to perform their duties?
As always, I appreciate the helpful responses. Have a great day!
I have just been made aware of this and asked the employee to complete a FMLA application and have the physician complete a med cert statement. So the process is started. The stated reason on the application is "I'm sick and need time off to get better". The med cert is coming today. Unsolicited, the employee said the med cert will excuse his absence this week because the doctor put him on antibiotics for strep throat. I asked him to not share details with me and that the med cert statements will assist in the FMLA process.
In anticipation of the med cert, I wanted to get thoughts from those with more FMLA experience. Does taking antibiotics qualify for FMLA if it won't affect their ability to perform their duties?
As always, I appreciate the helpful responses. Have a great day!
Give the certification form to the employee and let their doctor fill it out according to the serious health condition definition(s).
best wishes
best wishes.