If you have ee's working in different states, but do not have offices in those states, are you required to post each state's wc poster at your corporate office?
Unless there is something state-specific in Oklahoma--and depending on whether all of your employees are covered on your OK policy, you have an obligation to post 'in a conspicuous place' for your employees to see. The general idea is to ensure there is no question on behalf of your staff that your company provides the coverage AND get the fraud/reward stmt posted (if OK has one).
I think the real question is whether your out-of-state workers have offices or work posts they report to and how you might get the msg posted there. You could send them posters for their work stations/sites or work centrals, or make a digital posting on a company web page to which they have access.
I think the real question is whether your out-of-state workers have offices or work posts they report to and how you might get the msg posted there. You could send them posters for their work stations/sites or work centrals, or make a digital posting on a company web page to which they have access.