Health insurance

When an employee is out of work on a work comp injury for an extended length of time, i.e. more than 12 weeks, how long is the company obligated to continue their health insurance? Also, for those long term wc situations, at what point in time does the inactive employee become ineligible for employee benefits like vacation time?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • That is up to your policy as well as any state laws that may apply. Here in WI we do not have any requirement to continue health insurance after their FMLA time is up so they are placed on COBRA. As for other benefits, you would need to examine your state regs.
  • We typically keep employment status and benefits in place until MMI. Rarely, I have found that a situation extends beyond 6 months, maybe one every 3 to 4 years. Florida W/C will encourage the physician to declare MMI per medical guidance tables, including whether there is any permanent disability. Once that is declared and unless your policy dictates something different, you can handle the situation similar to an employee with a non work related debilitating health condition (i.e., FMLA, disability, ADA).

    Best wishes.
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