Medical certification for ADA

We have an employee who is falling asleep on the job and has indicated that it is a side effect of the medication he is on.
I am thinking that he may be entitled to reasonable accommodation through ADA, but I would like to verify that.
Does anyone has a form that they would be willing to share? Thanks!!! Clare
I am thinking that he may be entitled to reasonable accommodation through ADA, but I would like to verify that.
Does anyone has a form that they would be willing to share? Thanks!!! Clare
However, before framing this as an ADA issue, I would seek more information regarding the employee's condition. Remember that not evey medical condition rises to an ADA qualifying condition. The first question is: Is the condition permanent or short-term temporary? The next question is: Does the condition substantially limit a life activity?
Bottom line - if it is an ADA condition, there might be reasonable accommodations; but I don't think you are at a point to characterize this as an ADA event.