serious illness medical leave

Does anyone have a "serious illness medical leave policy". We are small, under 50, but we have two good employees that now have a "serious illness". We don't want to term them under our current policy. Thanks :)


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Before I got to my present company (which does qualify for FMLA) they had never actually done anything with FMLA. Instead, when people had to be out under those conditions, they had a conference with the EE, EE's supervisor and General Manager, who then would discuss the situation and authorize a leave of absence. It was really informal and sometimes not even documented, but for the sake of precedents and accountability, I would document the decision and move on. You may want to establish terms for taking serious illness medical leave similar to what FMLA entails - have standards for who can take it, what will be required of them while gone, etc. Good luck! I'm sure your employees appreciate your goodwill.
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