FMLA abuse?

We have an employee and his brother-in law working for us. The employee has been approved for intermittent FMLA for his mother due to her serious health condition.

This morning the employee called off citing FMLA. Later this morning I needed to contact the brother-in-law on an issue and during our conversation I asked about the condition of his mother-in-law. (His wife also has been approved for intermittent FMLA through her employer because of the mother's condition.) The brother-in-law said his mother-in-law was fine, there were no problems. He said he knew the employee called off this morning perhaps because the employee's allergies were acting up the night before he may have been too sick to come to work. Now the FMLA call-off sounds a bit fishy to me.

I doubt that I have any recourse here but it irritates me that this employee is obviously abusing his intermittent FMLA.


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