cataracts a disability?

are cataracts considered a disability under ADA?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't know if cataracts are specifically referenced in any EEOC guidance about the ADA, but I would think that cataracts would only be a disability if they impaired the person's vision to the point of legal blindness AND they were inoperable.
  • rroberts,
    In the newsletter archives on this website, do a search for "cataracts," and you'll see links to an article that ran in several state employment law newsletters in December 2005 titled, "EEOC issues guidance on visually impaired applicants, employees." If you need help navigating the site, call Customer Service at (800) 274-7447 or me at the number below. You also may be able to find the guidance directly on the EEOC's website. Hope this helps. tk

    Tony Kessler, director of editorial
    M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC
    (615) 661-0249 ext. 8068
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