New Subscriber

Hello everyone,
As of today, I am a new subscriber to the forum, although I have been looking it over for the past week or so. I am pretty new to this HR stuff, so you will have to forgive me if I tend to post stupid questions.
I work for a fairly large construction company in north central MN, and was hired as a journeyman carpenter. However, I was approached this winter to to take over the HR duties within the company. We currently have a handfull of employees laid off, and I will be posting a question to all of you about one particular employee. I just want to get all of my facts straight before I post the question. I also want to see exactly how quickly people respond to these questions.
My question will involve work comp issues, so I assume this is the right place to post it



  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Welcome HR Carpenter! I find that most questions are answered in about 24 hours and the advice given is worth considering. While questions maybe new to you chances are they have been answered before and all you need to do is a search of this forum. When you can't find it just ask as we are generally a very helpful group.
  • Welcome to the forum. Ask any question that comes up. It's better to get the info up front vs. trying to backtrack and make it right!
    We all need help with our jobs from time-to-time.
  • Welcome to the forum!

    Most questions are answered fairly quickly, and some will have people posting for days. However, some questions are tricky or very trade specific so you may not get even one response. No one wants to give you poor advice, so they only answer when they think they really know the answer of have some good input.

    Hope you like it here. I started in HR in 2001, and soon after discovered this forum. It really helped me learn about HR.

    Good luck!

  • Welcome to the forum! This is a great place to ask questions, vent, learn from others, and share a laugh.

    Remember, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people.

    Wait, I don't think that's right...
  • Welcome to the forum and post away.

    Always remember and never forget--there is no such thing as a dumb question, and everyone has been new at his/her job before, including HR folks.

    One more thing--lots of folks turn to this forum for guidance and insight. You'll probably do a lot of reading, at this forum and elsewhere.

    Best wishes for much success.
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