No Call No show

I have an employee that has been with us for 25 years. He went home on Monday afternoon and told his supervisor that he wasn't feeling well. We haven't heard from him since. I've tried to call, no answer. Our policy is to terminate for 3 no call/no shows. But, he might be sick, or he might have just left. I really don't know. Do I send him the FMLA form and give him the 15 days to respond? I want to do the right thing. I'm not happy just terminating after all these years, but I don't want to open any cans that I don't need to open. Please point me in the right direction. Thanks!


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I think this situation has come up before. Nevertheless, here's what I would do.

    Tomorrow will be the third day. If still no call, prepare the termination papers and the FMLA papers. You're eventually going to find out what is happening. Based on that, serve the appropriate papers. You shouldn't be under any pressure to act now without knowing what's going on first.

    Just a side note: Whenever I've had this happen, I don't consider "being in jail" a legitimate reason for not calling in.
  • Follow your normal policy if someone is a no call/no show (if that policy includes sending FMLA papers, send them--if not, don't). It is never never easy terminating a long time employee, however, you sometimes you have no choice.
  • Thank you both. I always just terminate if they stop coming in and don't bother to call. So, I will go with that. I will wait until the end of the week. Payroll doesn't go until Tuesday, so I have some time. Thanks again!
  • "I have an employee that has been with us for 25 years. He went home on Monday afternoon and told his supervisor that he wasn't feeling well. We haven't heard from him since. I've tried to call, no answer."

    You didn't say whether or not you've had trouble with him in the past but, my goodness -- have you at least considered calling the police to see if he is still alive.
  • He is a good employee. His friends from work are going to stop by his house and let me know. I've been trying to call, but I hadn't considered the police.
  • If there was no history of this sort of thing with him we would have sent someone to his home (or called the emergency number every ee is required to provide us with) to see if he was indeed too ill (or worse) to call in. If he is indeed ill, then FMLA paperwork would go out. Please keep us posted!
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