so then I think I will sent out the FMLA forms and see what the dr. says. However, I haven't come across a doctor yet who understands FMLA at all! Most doctor's just fill out the paperwork!
If the employee has missed more than 3 consecutive days of work, I would just send out the FMLLA paperwork. I agree, the doctors just fill them out. Everything to them is a serious health condition! I'm finding that the doctors are getting quite sloppy in completing the forms. I am getting back incomplete, inadequate forms more often than ever before!
I know what you mean - just got back a form certifying an employee was to have revisionary hip replacement surgery and the patient won't be able to work for an undetermined amount of time. Guess who is getting surgery - the employee's 80 year old mother!
Actually, I approved FML for the employee. She will be the primary care giver for the relative during what's hoped to be a short recovery. We require employees to burn accrued leave in conjunction with FMLA, so she'll hurry back to work when Mom is up and getting around on her own. I suggested she request FML so that she could use her sick leave instead of annual leave that would normally be used during care of a sick relative under our personnel policy.
My experience with this health issue generally boils down to the "incapacitation" issue w/the individual. Many physicians struggle w/explaining how the sciatica incapacitates the person, but when done correctly, along w/determining the inability to perform the essential functions, it'll help identify the seriousness of the issue.
I have heard of some that have a mild pain, really just uncomfortable, others cannot move it is so bad. They get hospitalized.