ADA request

One of our supervisors is requesting telecommuting one day a week due to fibromialga ( information she volunteered) under ADA accomodations. First question, is this a reasonable request, and, if so, what steps do you take to document the accomodation. Are there any federally required forms, similar to FMLA?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • 1. Determine whether or not this is a covered disability under ADA. I don't know what fibromialga is so won't hazard a guess. If it is a temporary condition, chances are it isn't a covered disability. If there are any questions, ask a labor attorney.
    2. If it is a covered disability, determine whether the essential functions can be done with, or without accomodations.
    3. If it can't be done without accomodations, enter into communication with her, and perhaps with her doctors help, to determine a reasonable accomodation. You are not required to give an employee the employees preferred accomodation if another accomodation which is less problematic to the company can do the trick.
    4. Determine whether the accomodation is an undue hardship to the company.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-18-05 AT 02:26PM (CST)[/font][br][br]First of all, I'm assuming you have gone through the drill and determined that the employee is indeed disabled under the ADA. Assuming she is, you may want to check out some EEOC materials on telecommuting as a reasonable accommodation to a disabled employee. A fact sheet is available at [url][/url], based on a written guidance the eeoc developed in 1999 and revised in 2002, available at [url][/url]. You can find the part that deals with telecommuting by going down to question 34 or hit the search feature and type in the word "home," as in work at home. Hope this helps!

    Kathy Carlson

    PS - BTW, I don't know of any required ADA forms to assist with your documentation
  • You might check out this site, which deals specifically with accommodations for fibromyalgia.

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