Good morning!

I have an employee that gave birth 8/22/05. On her STD paperwork it states she would be able to return to work 10/1/05. She wants to come back 10/30/05. Am I correct in saying that she no longer is covered under STD and does she still fall under the guidelines of FMLA? (it runs out on 10/30/05)

Thank you!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • In our shop, STD is handled by the insurance company - they make all those calls in concert with medical providers. If yours is self funded, then you have a decent reason to stop those payments as the paperwork suggests. If the medical provider gives you a new date, go with it.

    As to FML guidelines, her eligibility is determined by FML regulations, not some STD policy.
  • Her STD payments are most likely based on her being unable to work due to the childbirth. If the physician certifies that she is able to RTW on 10/1 then her payments would be stopped at that point but yes, she would still have unpaid FMLA (unless your policy requires the use of any paid time) until she either returns to work or her FMLA runs out, whichever comes first.
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